Campti is the oldest settlement on the Red River. The first written record of the town’s existence was in 1745.
After the “Great Raft”, the Red River log jam, Captain Henry Miller Shreve cleared the way for incoming French settlers to prosper on the ideal river banks of Campti. The moving of the dam, however, did not expand the population. Upstream, Shreveport began to grow instead.
Weyerhauser wood products manufacturer is the town’s largest employer.
Population: 1,057 City Hall (318) 467-3321
Campti Historic Museum
Nativity Catholic Church founded in 1831
Area fishing lakes
Clear Lake, Black Lake, Red River, Saline Bayou, Saline Lake.
Boat Launches
Sandy Point boat Launch, Westwind boat launch, Dickson boat launch
Lakewood Inn: 5675 Hwy 9 (318) 875-2263
Sea & Sirloin: 6454 Hwy 9 (318) 875-2229
Annual Events
Smokin’ on the Red Festival – fourth Saturday in October