NSU Tour

Stop #1)

Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame came to Natchitoches in 1972 and houses displays of portraits, biographical sketches and memorabilia of Louisiana's most accomplished athletes. Construction on the new location began in 2009 and is scheduled to be completed in late 2010. The Hall was formerly located at Northwestern State University. The city is host to the annual Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame Induction Celebration held in June. (318) 238-4255.

Stop #2)

Louisiana Creole Heritage Center

Located in Keyser Hall. Maintains a database of Creole descendants. On going efforts to preserve culture, music and cuisine. Open weekdays, 8-4. Call for appointment (318) 357-6689. Time req: 30 min

Stop #3)

Folk Life Center

Located in Keyser Hall. Documents Louisiana culture. Host of the annual Natchitoches/NSU Folk Life Festival in July. (318) 357-6361

Stop #4)

Williamson Museum

Located in Keyser Hall. Dedicated to the preservation of cultures. Concentrates on Louisiana Indians and on the archeology of post European cultures in the state. The museum holds over half a million artifacts and is an official repository for state and federal archeological collections. Hosts the annual basket day on the first Saturday in December. Open 8-3:30, M-F. Group tours by appointment. (318) 357-6195. Time req: 45 min

Stop #5)

Cammie Henry Research Center & Archives

Located in Watson Library. Open M-F, 8-4:30. Houses the Melrose Collection, historic facts, maps and memorabilia from early Natchitoches. (318) 357-4585. Time req: 45 min

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