NATCHITOCHES Christmas is coming early to the Natchitoches Parish Library. On December 8, the Natchitoches Parish Library will bring you a Children's Christmas Party. From 1 – 3 p.m. library patrons of all ages are invited to stop by the Natchitoches Parish Library at 450 Second St. for crafts, activities, and all kinds of Christmas merriment.

Then on Decembe

r 11 & 12 the Natchitoches Parish Library will have a Christmas story time at 10 a.m. And on December 13 the Natchitoches Parish Library will show a Christmas movie beginning at 3:30 p.m.

These Christmas programs are free and open to the public and will be held at the Natchitoches Parish Library.

Please call NPL Community Outreach Coordinator Amy Walmsley at (318) 357-3280 or stop by the children's desk at the Natchitoches Parish Library at 450 Second St. or visit their website at for more information.

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